Pode pesar até 20 quilos. E 93% é feito de água: a melancia é conhecida pelo mesmo pigmento que dá cor ao tomate, o licopeno, que é uma substância muito importante no combate a estados inflamatórios, mesmo que seja em fatia grande. Este não é o único benefício da melancia que possui propriedades muito interessantes do ponto de vista da prevenção. Continue lendo e descubra mais sobre as propriedades e benefícios da melancia.
Assim como o melão, a melancia é protagonista do verão, uma fruta que mata a sede, é refrescante e de baixo teor calórico, capaz de garantir um abastecimento de água precioso e igualmente abundante. A melancia se diferencia das demais frutas pelo enorme tamanho, bem como pelo peso, que às vezes chega a 20 quilos: em todo caso, a qualidade da fruta nem sempre é proporcional ao peso.
Melancia é boa para você? Suas propriedades
A melancia pertence à categoria dos alimentos mais refrescantes do mundo: tanto que é composta por mais de 93% de água. Quantas calorias tem a melancia? A melancia fornece muito poucas calorias: apenas 16 por 100 gramas de produto, ainda menos que o melão. Na melancia, existem cerca de 3,7 gramas de açúcar por hectare de fruta, 0,4 de proteína e 0,2 de fibra.
A melancia é uma excelente aliada nas dietas hipocalóricas; entretanto, o consumo excessivo não é recomendado para pacientes diabéticos. A melancia é fonte de vitaminas antioxidantes (A e C), vitaminas do complexo B (B6) e sais minerais, principalmente potássio, fósforo e magnésio (112, 11 e 10 mg/100g de produto respectivamente).
Benefícios da melancia
Quais são os benefícios da melancia? Certamente, a purificação é perfeitamente adequada para a melancia. A atividade de purificação está diretamente relacionada à atividade diurética: ao estimular a diurese, promove-se a eliminação do excesso de escórias no organismo.
Outro dos benefícios da melancia está relacionado com a quantidade de minerais e vitaminas presentes, que é um remédio natural útil - embora leve - contra os estados de fadiga, cansaço físico e estresse, típicos dos meses de verão.
Por ser rica em potássio, a melancia também é recomendada para pessoas que se queixam de distúrbios de verão relacionados à alteração da pressão osmótica, retenção hídrica, excitabilidade neuromuscular e leves alterações na natureza rítmica do coração.
A melancia, para consumir preferencialmente fora das refeições porque tende a retardar a digestão, proporciona uma certa sensação de saciedade: neste sentido, é uma excelente ajuda para manter sob controle a fome naquelas pessoas que, não conseguindo controlá-la, tendem a sobrecarregar.
A melancia também é rica em carotenóides que podem combater a ação dos radicais livres e, consequentemente, o envelhecimento das células. Entre estes, como já mencionado, o licopeno.
E mais uma vez: a melancia é rica em citrulina, aminoácido que garante o equilíbrio da pressão e mantém elásticas as paredes arteriais e, portanto, seria capaz de prevenir hipertensão e doenças cardíacas.
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My Name is Michael Thomas and I am From Wonderland, UK . After losing over $540k USD in a pig slaughtering theft last month, I was contacted by a phony broker who introduced me to trade signals. I decided to give it a shot because they said I could make around 15% profit on my trades. I made money with small investments at first, but as I wanted to invest large sums, I discovered that I was unable to access my trade or take my gains, which is when I realized I had been duped. Then, even though the internet is dangerous, I went online. Fortunately, after doing a thorough search, I discovered http:/ , who had a lot of good asset recovery reviews. I hired them, and in a matter of hours, I was able to recover my money After that, even though the internet is dangerous, I went online and luckily found They had a lot of good reviews on asset recovery, so I hired them, and I was able to recover some of my losses in a matter of hours. Get in touch..
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Losing an amount of money in trading, especially with an unregulated broker, is an incredibly stressful and disheartening experience. Recently, I found myself in such a predicament, having lost $65,000 through binary options trading with a broker that turned out to be unregulated. The journey to recovering my funds was challenging, but with the help of Digital Web Recovery, I am pleased to share that I successfully reclaimed all my lost capital. I hope that by detailing my experience, others in similar situations can find the guidance and assistance they need.My initial foray into binary options trading was fueled by promises of high returns and professional support from the broker I chose. However, it quickly became apparent that this broker was unregulated, a fact that became increasingly problematic as I tried to withdraw my funds. The process to access my money was fraught with excessively complicated terms and conditions, which seemed nearly impossible to satisfy. The broker’s attempts to create obstacles were evident, and I found myself trapped in a cycle of frustration and confusion. Despite these challenges, I remained determined not to panic. I knew that giving in to despair would not solve my problem. Instead, I began researching potential avenues for recovering my lost funds. It was during this search that I came across Digital Web Recovery, a service dedicated to assisting individuals who have been defrauded by unregulated brokers and other financial scams. Digital Web Recovery’s approach to helping scam victims is both comprehensive and effective. When I reached out to them, their team was prompt in their response and provided me with a clear and structured plan for recovering my funds. They requested detailed information regarding my trading account and the transactions that had led to my losses. This included all correspondence with the broker, account statements, and any other relevant documentation.The team at Digital Web Recovery handled the recovery process with great professionalism. They thoroughly examined the provided documentation and used their expertise to navigate the complexities of dealing with an unregulated broker. Their knowledge of the legal and financial aspects of such cases proved invaluable. They worked diligently to address the fraudulent activities and negotiate with the broker on my behalf.Throughout the recovery process, Digital Web Recovery kept me informed and provided regular updates on the progress. Their commitment to resolving my case was evident, and their transparent communication helped alleviate some of the stress associated with the situation. Their ability to effectively advocate for my case was a crucial factor in the successful recovery of my funds.To my immense relief and satisfaction, Digital Web Recovery was able to recover the full $65,000 that I had lost. The recovery process, which initially seemed daunting and nearly impossible, was completed within a few days thanks to their expertise. This outcome not only restored my lost capital but also provided a sense of vindication and closure.For anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation, I highly recommend seeking assistance from services like Digital Web Recovery. Their expertise in dealing with unregulated brokers and financial scams is unparalleled, and their dedicated approach can make a significant difference in recovering lost funds. If you are struggling to withdraw money from an unregulated broker or facing complicated terms and conditions, reaching out to a reputable recovery service could be the key to reclaiming your investment.while losing $65,000 to an unregulated broker was a significant setback, the support from Digital Web Recovery turned a challenging situation into a successful recovery. Their professionalism, expertise, and commitment to helping victims of financial fraud were instrumental in reclaiming my lost funds. Website; WhatsApp; +13433003465 If you find yourself in a similar predicament, do not hesitate to explore recovery options and seek the help of a trusted service. Financial recovery is possible, and with the right assistance, you too can overcome the challenges of dealing with fraudulent brokers.
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