Pode pesar até 20 quilos. E 93% é feito de água: a melancia é conhecida pelo mesmo pigmento que dá cor ao tomate, o licopeno, que é uma substância muito importante no combate a estados inflamatórios, mesmo que seja em fatia grande. Este não é o único benefício da melancia que possui propriedades muito interessantes do ponto de vista da prevenção. Continue lendo e descubra mais sobre as propriedades e benefícios da melancia.

Assim como o melão, a melancia é protagonista do verão, uma fruta que mata a sede, é refrescante e de baixo teor calórico, capaz de garantir um abastecimento de água precioso e igualmente abundante. A melancia se diferencia das demais frutas pelo enorme tamanho, bem como pelo peso, que às vezes chega a 20 quilos: em todo caso, a qualidade da fruta nem sempre é proporcional ao peso.

benefits of watermelon

Melancia é boa para você? Suas propriedades

A melancia pertence à categoria dos alimentos mais refrescantes do mundo: tanto que é composta por mais de 93% de água. Quantas calorias tem a melancia? A melancia fornece muito poucas calorias: apenas 16 por 100 gramas de produto, ainda menos que o melão. Na melancia, existem cerca de 3,7 gramas de açúcar por hectare de fruta, 0,4 de proteína e 0,2 de fibra.

A melancia é uma excelente aliada nas dietas hipocalóricas; entretanto, o consumo excessivo não é recomendado para pacientes diabéticos. A melancia é fonte de vitaminas antioxidantes (A e C), vitaminas do complexo B (B6) e sais minerais, principalmente potássio, fósforo e magnésio (112, 11 e 10 mg/100g de produto respectivamente). 

Benefícios da melancia

Quais são os benefícios da melancia? Certamente, a purificação é perfeitamente adequada para a melancia. A atividade de purificação está diretamente relacionada à atividade diurética: ao estimular a diurese, promove-se a eliminação do excesso de escórias no organismo.

Outro dos benefícios da melancia está relacionado com a quantidade de minerais e vitaminas presentes, que é um remédio natural útil - embora leve - contra os estados de fadiga, cansaço físico e estresse, típicos dos meses de verão.

Por ser rica em potássio, a melancia também é recomendada para pessoas que se queixam de distúrbios de verão relacionados à alteração da pressão osmótica, retenção hídrica, excitabilidade neuromuscular e leves alterações na natureza rítmica do coração.

A melancia, para consumir preferencialmente fora das refeições porque tende a retardar a digestão, proporciona uma certa sensação de saciedade: neste sentido, é uma excelente ajuda para manter sob controle a fome naquelas pessoas que, não conseguindo controlá-la, tendem a sobrecarregar.

A melancia também é rica em carotenóides que podem combater a ação dos radicais livres e, consequentemente, o envelhecimento das células. Entre estes, como já mencionado, o licopeno.

E mais uma vez: a melancia é rica em citrulina, aminoácido que garante o equilíbrio da pressão e mantém elásticas as paredes arteriais e, portanto, seria capaz de prevenir hipertensão e doenças cardíacas.

 benefits of watermelon

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  • Faith James

    The sense of betrayal and frustration can be overwhelming, especially when we lose a lot of money. Last Sunday, I experienced this firsthand. Two weeks ago, I fell victim to an enticing ad promoting an investment opportunity in cryptocurrencies. Tempted by the promise of high returns, I made a significant investment, entrusting my life savings of approximately £611,000 to what I believed was a legitimate venture. Initially, everything seemed promising. However, just a few days after my investment, I attempted to check on the progress of my account. To my shock and dismay, I discovered that the account had been deleted. The realization that I had been scammed was instantaneous. Desperate to recover my funds, I reached out to the support team associated with the platform, but all my efforts were met with silence. It quickly became clear that I had been swindled, and the chances of retrieving my money seemed bleak. Determined not to accept this outcome, I began searching for potential solutions. This is when I stumbled upon a review about Saclux Comptech Specialst. According to the review, SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST was a legitimate fund recovery service that utilized advanced forensic and digital currency recovery techniques. Although I was initially skeptical, the severity of my situation pushed me to reach out to them for help. To my relief, SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST responded promptly. They initiated a thorough investigation into the fraudulent transaction, employing sophisticated tools and methods to trace and recover the lost funds. Their team of experts meticulously analyzed the digital footprints left by the scammers and worked tirelessly to piece together the details necessary for the recovery process. Within a few days, Saclux Comptech Specialst had made significant progress. They kept me informed throughout the process, providing regular updates on their findings and the steps being taken to reclaim my investment. The transparency and professionalism of their service were reassuring during a time of great uncertainty. After an intense recovery effort, Saclux Comptech Specialst successfully recovered all of my lost funds. The joy and relief I felt upon receiving the news were indescribable. It was a moment of profound happiness and vindication, knowing that my hard-earned money was no longer lost to a fraudulent scheme. The recovery with Saclux Comptech Specialst has been transformative. Their expertise and dedication not only restored my lost funds but also restored my faith in the possibility of recovering from such devastating losses. For anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation seek assistance from Saclux Comptech Specialst. Visit their website ( ) 

  • Sandra Lingstar

    I’m writing to thank Henry of the WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY SERVICE team from the bottom of my heart for all of the amazing help and support he gave me during a trying period. His proficiency, knowledge, and unwavering commitment genuinely changed my life. I was depressed eight months ago after being a victim of a scam involving a Bitcoin mining company. It was emotionally as well as financially distressing to lose my hard-earned savings. But I’m happy to report that, with the help of WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY SERVICE’s intervention and unwavering efforts, I was able to retrieve a sizable amount of the money that I had assumed was gone forever. As soon as I contacted his organisation, I was greeted with kindness, comprehension, and a dedication to guiding me through the challenges of financial fraud recovery. In order to retrieve my money, his team painstakingly looked into the matter, made use of his industry knowledge, and aggressively followed every lead. What really makes his agency unique, outside his professional skill, is the sincere concern and understanding they show for their customers. I had information, encouragement, and a sense of security knowing I was in good hands the entire time. I sincerely appreciate Henry’s commitment to working towards a successful conclusion, which was demonstrated at every turn. His efforts have allowed me to proceed with newfound tranquility and confidence. The influence WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY SERVICE has had on my life cannot be overstated, and I will always be grateful to them for assisting me in getting back what was properly mine. We are grateful to the entire staff of WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY SERVICE for their outstanding assistance and steadfast dedication to justice. They have not only helped me to trust people again, but they have also given me the motivation to help others who could encounter similar circumstances in the future. With my gratitude, I’ve included their reaches below. Email: WIZARDJAMESRECOVERY@USA.COM

  • Sandra Lingstar

    I’m writing to thank Henry of the WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY SERVICE team from the bottom of my heart for all of the amazing help and support he gave me during a trying period. His proficiency, knowledge, and unwavering commitment genuinely changed my life. I was depressed eight months ago after being a victim of a scam involving a Bitcoin mining company. It was emotionally as well as financially distressing to lose my hard-earned savings. But I’m happy to report that, with the help of WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY SERVICE’s intervention and unwavering efforts, I was able to retrieve a sizable amount of the money that I had assumed was gone forever. As soon as I contacted his organisation, I was greeted with kindness, comprehension, and a dedication to guiding me through the challenges of financial fraud recovery. In order to retrieve my money, his team painstakingly looked into the matter, made use of his industry knowledge, and aggressively followed every lead. What really makes his agency unique, outside his professional skill, is the sincere concern and understanding they show for their customers. I had information, encouragement, and a sense of security knowing I was in good hands the entire time. I sincerely appreciate Henry’s commitment to working towards a successful conclusion, which was demonstrated at every turn. His efforts have allowed me to proceed with newfound tranquility and confidence. The influence WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY SERVICE has had on my life cannot be overstated, and I will always be grateful to them for assisting me in getting back what was properly mine. We are grateful to the entire staff of WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY SERVICE for their outstanding assistance and steadfast dedication to justice. They have not only helped me to trust people again, but they have also given me the motivation to help others who could encounter similar circumstances in the future. With my gratitude, I’ve included their reaches below. Email: WIZARDJAMESRECOVERY@USA.COM

  • Halil Ibrahim

    Recover Crypto funds / Lost Cryptocurrency Investment And Stolen Crypto.

    Getting your money back after falling victim to binary options fraud can be tough, but you can take steps to improve your odds of recovering your funds. Start by collecting all the necessary information and documents related to the scam. This includes emails, transaction logs, agreements, and any interactions with the scammers. Maintaining a comprehensive record is essential when reporting fraud to the authorities and seeking legal or professional help.

    Then, notify the appropriate regulatory and law enforcement bodies about the scam. You can file a complaint with the Lisa Morgan Price Recovery Company (LMPRC) and the Commodity Lisa Morgan Price Recovery Company (CFTC). Contact your local financial oversight body if you’re not in the U.S Also, inform the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) and your local police. These entities can investigate the fraud and assist in locating the culprits. Raising public awareness is also important, as reporting can help prevent others from becoming victims of similar schemes.

    Hiring a professional recovery service, like Lisa Morgan Price Recovery Company, can be a smart move for recovering losses from binary options fraud. They are experts in locating stolen assets, including money lost in scams. Lisa Morgan Price Recovery Company employs cutting-edge tools and methods to track and recover funds, using experienced investigators and blockchain analysis tools. They also assist in creating reports that can serve as evidence with financial institutions and law enforcement, boosting the likelihood of a successful recovery. Choosing a recovery service with a solid reputation and ethical standards is crucial. For help, get in touch with Lisa Morgan Price Recovery Company.

    Email :
    Telegram : lisapricerecoverycompany
    Website :
    What’sApp : +44-7931-743720

  • Mathew Clifford

    This is for anyone seeking to recover their data or funds lost to scammers on the internet. I sent out $132,000.00 worth of BTC to this broker named E29 Crypto Marketers. My experience was a good business proposal turned sour. l was added to a crypto learning and trading group on Telegram. I thought it was real, unfortunately, they are like other fraudsters found on the internet and online romance apps, I only knew about their fraudulent activities after losing my investment to E-29 marketers. l would have lost all my invested funds to this online scam scheme. with the quick help of these professionals in reclaiming stolen money. I found their reviews on Google, After my research about them, I concluded they were the perfect recovery expert to hire to recover my stolen cryptos. I never regret coming in contact with CENTURY WEB RECOVERY team. Within the short period I spent conversing with them during the recovery process, I learned a lot more than the four walls of a school. They can be reached via their details below:Email ( ) Website:

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